Success Requires Sacrifice…


You have to make room for your goals, invest in your dreams, and be faithful to tending to your current responsibilities in a spirit of excellence. Whether it is sacrificing a few hours of sleep in order to devote time to turning your dreams into reality, or taking on that job of less pay because you know it will give you the experience that you need to attain your dream career, or disciplining yourself to pass on the pasta for the salad instead because you have fitness goals that are bigger than your cravings, or cutting back on shopping and frivolous spending because you have plans to be debit-free in the future. Believe that the work you are putting in will be worth it in the long-run. But the key is that you have to put in that WORK and focus on long-term success and not short-term satisfaction.

In order to achieve more than what we already have, we must give more than we have already given of ourselves. In order to reach a higher level, we must let go of the things that have become parasitic to our growth causing us to regress rather than progress. It is hard to give up the things that have become so familiar to us, but it is important for us to realize that the destination to which we are headed is beyond the gates of our current situation, state-of-mind, and feelings of comfort. Sacrifice isn’t easy. Sacrifice is not comfortable. It’s actually pretty hard, that’s why it’s called a sacrifice. But trust and believe, pursuing your purpose and achieving your dreams are wayyy MORE than worth it✨.
#MotivationMondayThroughSunday #MidWeekMotivation #Success #Sacrifice #Drive #Focus #Goals #Achievement #WORK #TransformYourLife #StephanieNaruPhotography #ShesAMotivator


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